I’ve said it a million times, CampaignHQ employees are the best. They’re committed conservatives, who work hard day in and day out for our clients, putting their all into each and every call.
It doesn’t take long for callers to accumulate some interesting stories about calls they’ve made. Check out Michele’s story.
No call center can provide the kind of passionate, persistent or effective callers that CampaignHQ has.
Thanks for watching,
Nicole Schlinger always hard at work for CHQ clients
Did you know Memorial Day has certain customs? According to the Mental Floss article above,
General Orders No. 11 stated that “in this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed,” but over time several customs and symbols became associated with the holiday.
• It is customary on Memorial Day to fly the flag at half staff until noon, and then raise it to the top of the staff until sunset.
• Taps, the 24-note bugle call, is played at all military funerals and memorial services. It originated in 1862 when Union General Dan Butterfield “grew tired of the ‘lights out’ call sounded at the end of each day,” according to The Washington Post. Together with the brigade bugler, Butterfield made some changes to the tune.
Not long after, the melody was used at a burial for the first time when a battery commander ordered it played in lieu of the customary three rifle volleys over the grave. The battery was so close to enemy lines, and the commander was worried the shots would spark renewed fighting.
• The World War I poem “In Flanders Fields,” by John McCrea, inspired the Memorial Day custom of wearing red artificial poppies. In 1915, a Georgia teacher and volunteer war worker named Moina Michael began a campaign to make the poppy a symbol of tribute to veterans and for “keeping the faith with all who died.” The sale of poppies has supported the work of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
I hope you’re able to do something special today.
Nicole Schlinger, President of Campaign Headquarters
We made it through another fun-filled week – congratulations!
For this Fun Friday post, I thought I’d share a quick look at a few things I’ve been into lately. I like to share a few of these from time to time – most seem to revolve around books, purses, ABC’s Shark Tank or politics. This list covers most of those bases.
Here’s what I’ve been into:
Stop whatever you’re doing and read this book. You’re welcome.
A minor rant here – I cannot believe this. Shark Tank has jumped the shark. This is a legit business with 1. Actual Sales and 2. An owner who knew ALL of her numbers.
She has actually made money and had a plan for what to do with the investment. Kevin O’Leary even said, “you’re a good operator.” And YET … NO INVESTMENT! Lori Grenier said she “doesn’t like cookie dough.” Lies. She invested in “The Cookie Dough” bar on Season 5. Mark Cuban says he’s “worried about obesity.” Really? Does the snack bar at the Dallas Maverick’s arena only serve lettuce? Seriously.
<steps off soapbox>
I’ve been thinking this myself lately, but Gretchen Rubin of course puts a much finer point on it. Thanks for saying what I was thinking. An updated take on TR’s Man in the Arena. You can always laugh at him (or her) … but you’re the one on the outside who did nothing and accomplished nothing.
Have a great weekend,
Martha Waffles and Nicole Schlinger at another event.
I found this old post from 2010 on my Facebook page the other day and thought it was worth sharing.
You called my mother yesterday…
Just a few weeks ago, I read those ominous words in an email from Rebecca Weber, Finance Director of the Nebraska Republican Party. You can imagine the overwhelming sense of dread!
Even when we are wildly successful, telephone fundraising isn’t usually the most popular weapon in a finance director’s arsenal. Who wants to get a call from their mother complaining about an annoying telemarketer?
Printed with permission of the Nebraska GOP, here is the rest of Rebecca’s email:
Hi Nicole –
Just wanted to let you know that one of your reps called my mother today, and she convinced her to donate. My mother always hangs up on telemarketers so please consider this a triumph! (I’ve never been able to convince her that telemarketers aren’t as bad as she thinks they are.) She was very complimentary about the caller. Congrats on getting someone who NEVER gives over the phone to make a contribution!
Rebecca Weber
Finance Director
Nebraska Republican Party
Calling potential donors right before Christmas is never easy! But minutes after Senator Ben Nelson’s shocking announcement that he would be the 60th and final vote on Harry Reid’s health care reform bill, the Nebraska GOP leadership rousted us to action. Perre Neilan and Rebecca Weber understood the unique power of a live telephone conversation to immediately garner support from a community so angered by their Senator’s betrayal.
Their website, www.GiveBenTheBoot.com , was leading the way in signing up voters to register, identify, and mobilize voters. But to keep this steady drumbeat going for so many months, they would need additional funding to get the job done.
We drafted the script and letters that afternoon, trained our team the next morning, and by 3 p.m. on Sunday, we were on the move. The very first person with whom we spoke pledged $100. Every one of our campaign representatives who worked that Sunday afternoon had at least five pledges in the first hour.
Timing, training, and true believers make a difference.
Whether we are convincing voters to give their hard-earned money, talk to their State Representative or Member of Congress’ office, or support a candidate who will unfailingly defend their values, having true believers on the phone makes a meaningful difference. Our campaign representatives know how to keep their cool, talk their way through a situation, and make a positive difference. We aren’t the biggest firm, but we know how to get results.
From patch-through or give-number calls, to voter ID, persuasion, and fundraising, give us a call and let us show you what a difference we can make for you.
I hope you enjoyed that quick Flashback. Even today, we’re still here if you are ready to make a difference in your campaign.
Nicole Schlinger and Chief Canine Officer Martha Waffles
I recently stumbled on this photo that I shared last July after the passing of Gov. Bob Ray.
This is the poster Bob Ray gave to major donors and friends when leaving office in 1982. I found it when I was cleaning out the Iowa GOP office at 521 East Locust in Des Moines.
He signed it for me in 2003. It says, “to a favorite friend,” which was particularly meaningful because I spent several years thinking he actively disliked me. He later said he was extra hard on me because he thought I could do better. He was right.
I hope they are still singing his theme song in heaven today…”Everyone here step to the rear, let a winner lead the way!”
I thought it might be fun to take a look at one of our award-winning campaigns.
With Beto O’Rourke out-raising Ted Cruz nearly 3-to-1, Senator Cruz needed to find new ways to reach his current and prospective donors with an urgent appeal to fight back.
For most of the summer months and on through September, too many donors were complacent about the threat posed by Beto O’Rourke. Nearly 100,000 Presidential campaign donors still had not renewed support for the 2018 Senate run. After seeing positive results (300-400% ROI) on renewing lapsed donors using P2P text messaging, the campaign kicked into full gear using this new communication tool to raise money from the house file. From the first P2P text message / fundraising solicitation sent by the Cruz campaign in late August through Election Day, the campaign raised $876,000. Results increased when using MMS and GIF’s. This house file appeal – the first to include a picture – was sent to just over 80,000 current donors with cell phones.
The success of this message prompted the campaign to double the number of P2P text messages sent in the final 7 days.
So, what can our award-winning team do for you today?
Nicole Schlinger always hard at work for CHQ clients
We’re taking it back a few years today. I post I wrote in 2009, for your reading pleasure:
I came across this quote from Abraham Lincoln the other day, and thought it was just too good to keep to myself …
“Organize the whole state so that every Whig can be brought to the polls… Divide the county into small districts and appoint in each a sub-committee. Make a perfect list of all the voters and ascertain with certainty for which they will vote, keep a constant watch on the doubtful voters and…Have them talked to by those in whom they have the most confidence, and on Election Day see that every Whig is brought to the polls.” -Abraham Lincoln 1/21/1840
Keeping in mind Lincoln lost several elections before winning the Presidency, this lesson was one that was probably learned the hard way – through defeat.
While much has changed in how we run campaigns since the 1860s, the basic premise remains the same. Identifying supporters. Getting them to the polls. Convincing those who don’t agree to come to your side with effective reasoning and appropriate messengers. Lincoln really knew his stuff.
Mother’s Day is on Sunday (you’re welcome), so I thought it might be fun to take a look at some seriously great moms.
I mean, check out Abigail Adams. Raised and educated five kids (including a future president), single-handedly ran the family’s farm and was active in the equal rights movement and the abolition of slavery.
Mary Ball Washington managed a 600-acre farm plantation and raised six kids and the very first president of the United States.
Did you know, Mary Anne Boehner raised 12 (12!) kids and slept on a pullout couch in the family’s two-bedroom home?
Note only was Barbara Bush First Lady, championing several noble causes, she raised a President and a governor.
Oriales Garcia Rubio grew up in Cuba, sharing the one-room house with a dirt floor with her family of nine. She moved to the United States with humble beginnings and raised a successful family, even after her husband died.
Of course we know Leonore Romney as the wife of the governor of Michigan and mom to a presidential candidate, turned U.S. Senator. But the actress and mom of four ran for the U.S. Senate in her own right in 1970.
Who’s your favorite political mom?
Thanks to all the great moms out there who are getting it done every single day, not just on Mother’s Day.