President Lincoln’s Thoughts on Voter ID

We’re taking it back a few years today. I post I wrote in 2009, for your reading pleasure:


I came across this quote from Abraham Lincoln the other day, and thought it was just too good to keep to myself …

“Organize the whole state so that every Whig can be brought to the polls… Divide the county into small districts and appoint in each a sub-committee. Make a perfect list of all the voters and ascertain with certainty for which they will vote, keep a constant watch on the doubtful voters and…Have them talked to by those in whom they have the most confidence, and on Election Day see that every Whig is brought to the polls.” -Abraham Lincoln 1/21/1840

Keeping in mind Lincoln lost several elections before winning the Presidency, this lesson was one that was probably learned the hard way – through defeat.

While much has changed in how we run campaigns since the 1860s, the basic premise remains the same. Identifying supporters. Getting them to the polls. Convincing those who don’t agree to come to your side with effective reasoning and appropriate messengers. Lincoln really knew his stuff.

Thanks for reading,

Nicole Schlinger