Just a few weeks ago, I read those ominous words in an email from Rebecca Weber, Finance Director of the Nebraska Republican Party. You can imagine the overwhelming sense of dread!
Even when we are wildly successful, telephone fundraising isn’t usually the most popular weapon in a finance director’s arsenal. Who wants to get a call from their mother complaining about an annoying telemarketer?
Printed with permission of the Nebraska GOP, here is the rest of Rebecca’s email:
Hi Nicole –
Just wanted to let you know that one of your reps called my mother today, and she convinced her to donate. My mother always hangs up on telemarketers so please consider this a triumph! (I’ve never been able to convince her that telemarketers aren’t as bad as she thinks they are.) She was very complimentary about the caller. Congrats on getting someone who NEVER gives over the phone to make a contribution!
Rebecca Weber
Finance Director
Nebraska Republican Party
Calling potential donors right before Christmas is never easy! But minutes after Senator Ben Nelson’s shocking announcement that he would be the 60th and final vote on Harry Reid’s health care reform bill, the Nebraska GOP leadership rousted us to action. Perre Neilan and Rebecca Weber understood the unique power of a live telephone conversation to immediately garner support from a community so angered by their Senator’s betrayal.
Their website, www.GiveBenTheBoot.com , was leading the way in signing up voters to register, identify, and mobilize voters. But to keep this steady drumbeat going for so many months, they would need additional funding to get the job done.
We drafted the script and letters that afternoon, trained our team the next morning, and by 3 p.m. on Sunday, we were on the move. The very first person with whom we spoke pledged $100. Every one of our campaign representatives who worked that Sunday afternoon had at least five pledges in the first hour.
Timing, training, and true believers make a difference.
Whether we are convincing voters to give their hard-earned money, talk to their State Representative or Member of Congress’ office, or support a candidate who will unfailingly defend their values, having true believers on the phone makes a meaningful difference. Our campaign representatives know how to keep their cool, talk their way through a situation, and make a positive difference. We aren’t the biggest firm, but we know how to get results.
From patch-through or give-number calls, to voter ID, persuasion, and fundraising, give us a call and let us show you what a difference we can make for you.
I hope you enjoyed that quick Flashback. Even today, we’re still here if you are ready to make a difference in your campaign.
