If you still don’t know where you vote, look it up and get out there to cast your ballot.
Fun Friday – Happy Halloweenie
Smart Conservative Girls Are Awesome

In honor of ACB becoming a U.S. Supreme Court Justice this week, I’m giving a shout out to Sen. John Cornyn for his thoughtful consideration of Amy Coney Barrett during her hearings. I particularly loved this part where she told the whole world of little girls it’s awesome to be smart.
You can read more about the exchange here.
Being a smart, conservative woman is cool.
Facebook is Shutting You Down
Facebook recently announced it will not accept any new political ads in the last 7 days before Election Day. So, what happens if your opponent attacks you on the night of the 8th day and the “Facebook thought police” won’t let you respond?
You need a way to reach voters – and you can do that with conTEXT, live calls, and telephone townhalls.
You can introduce yourself, share your vision in a 20 second video, refute an attack, show a sample ballot and ask each person to watch your video and share their opinions. There are countless ways to leverage this tool.
CHQ is the industry leader when it comes to peer-to-peer texting. Our team knows how to deliver the right message to your voters to help you win. Our agents personally send and reply to every single message. We can even track who clicked on your link!
Live calls
An effective way to combat voter confusion is with live calls. Our team of specialists and award winning callers will work with you to quickly turn around a script and get the calls rolling.
Candidates who take advantage of real, two-way conversations with voters are going to have a major advantage over those who just blast their information in your face.
Telephone Townhall
A telephone townhall helps you reach a large audience directly and let the voters interact with you, showing them that you’re ready, able and willing to speak with them and answer their questions.
Even better – setting up a telephone townhall couldn’t be easier when you’re working with CampaignHQ. We will help you record your sound files for a pre-call, live answer, voicemail, and even post call. Don’t forget to invite voters via conTEXT message.
We’ll help you use poll questions to gather critical information from the people on your call. Are they voting early or in person? Are they voting for you or your opponent? You’ll get real time, actionable data that can move the needle in your campaign.
Facebook’s move is more than just an inconvenience for you – if you don’t take it seriously, it may be fatal to your campaign. We can help you combat disinformation about polling locations or absentee ballots, fight back when the smear attacks come from your opponent, or make a positive, last minute push.
When it’s too late to drop mail and the airways are already full, we’ve got your back with context, live calls and telephone townhalls.
Fun Friday: “Life is Not Fair, Get Used to It”
Well here we are, almost at the finish line. I know as we get closer to Election Day, things get more and more stressful, particularly this year.
I thought I’d brighten your day – take 3 minutes and 41 seconds, have a chuckle and then give us a call and let us know if we can help with your last minute GOTV calls or texts.
Nicole Schlinger
Girls: You Can’t Be What You Can’t See
Workin’ Like a Dog – Auto Calls
It’s no secret, the CampaginHQ team is a big fan of dogs – who isn’t? Welcome to our new series – Workin’ Like a Dog. We’re taking a fresh look at how CampaignHQ can deliver your message and help you win.
Today we’re workin’ like….
Automated/GOTV calls are low maintenance – well, just like cats.
These calls are an incredibly effective way to reach seniors. AARP reports that 64.2% of those 18-24 have only wireless phones and 63.9% of those 34-44 have wireless phones only. But when you jump to those 45-64, 52.9% have landline phones and 76.1% of those 65 or older still utilize their land line phone.
Campaign 101: phone calls can significantly impact your turnout.
You may be scrambling for any last-minute votes and want to ensure that ALL of your supporters turnout. One of the worst situations for a campaign manager or candidate is to lose by 25 votes and still have $250 in the bank. That $250 could have connected with several voters.
Automated calls are your friend! These calls are quick, affordable, and far reaching. We can get automated calls set up quickly. We can typically have an automated call scheduled or launched within 30 minutes of receipt of approved sound file and data.
A great way to increase the impact of your automated call is to ask a trusted member of the community to deliver your message. Whether that’s an elected official, a local celebrity, or even a member of your family, having someone else explain why you are the right choice can make all the difference.
CampaignHQ is the ONLY call center in America to record and deliver a message from a candidate’s dog! Check out this amazing recording from Lucy Lou, the beloved pooch of State Rep Dawn Pettengill.
Our team has delivered millions of effective telephone fundraising, voter ID, persuasion, patch through, GOTV phone calls and conTEXT messages for winning campaigns and conservative organizations.
We’re known for creative solutions, quick turnaround, competitive pricing, and legendary customer service.
Whatever comes your way, CampaignHQ is here for you, workin’ like a dog, to make sure you are successful.
It’s not too late to call us today 1-888-722-4704.
Fun Friday – Boss’s Day
Happy Boss’s Day. Did you know that was a thing? I had no idea. Anyway, here’s a big shout out to the REAL boss at CampaignHQ.
She does it all – keeps employees in line with her barking and napping in their chairs.
She never walks away from a challenge – she will not stop until she gets that treat from you.
And she always finds time for self-care.
Have a great Friday friends.

Nicole Schlinger
Workin’ Like a Dog – conTEXT
Welcome back to our new series – Workin’ Like a Dog. We’re taking a fresh look at how CampaignHQ can deliver your message and help you win.
Today we’re workin’ like pugs!
Pugs may be little, but they pack a punch. The same can be said for peer-to-peer texting. While you have limited characters to work with, peer-to-peer texting is good for EVERYTHING.
- Introduce yourself to voters having a two-way conversation.
- Share a 20 second TV commercial directly to the voter’s phone, giving them a better glimpse of who you are.
- Engage low propensity and undecided voters who are notoriously hard to reach.
- Share polling location information with voters you are trying to turnout.
- Fight back against political attacks or disinformation.
We can share images, sound, video, and website links via conTEXT peer to peer text message.
Election Day is just around the corner, but we can still fit you in our conTEXT schedule. If something unexpected pops up, please give us a call right away – we can help you turn the narrative around.
Workin’ Like a Dog – Advocacy Calls
I’m back with another fun Workin’ Like a Dog post. We’re taking a fresh look at how CampaignHQ can deliver your message and help you win.
Today we’re workin’ like corgis!
Corgi’s are herding dogs and that’s exactly what Advocacy calls can do for you – herd voters or the public in the direction you want them to go.
Here are a few tips to help you get the most from your advocacy campaign:
- Have a script that branches out to different messages based on what the voter tells you. If they are going to vote for you, ask if they would like a yard sign or absentee ballot request. If they are undecided, direct that voter to your website to find more information. This makes your message more personal and relevant to each voter, while still remaining on script.
- Leave messages on the final attempt. There are certain voters who simply will not answer the phone. If you don’t leave a message, they will never hear from you.
- As you get closer to election day, include a response to indicate who has already voted so you can remove them from your list.
Here is an example of an advocacy call script.
The experts at CampaignHQ know how to identify voters and advocate your message through a smart combination of live and automated calling. Our persistent, knowledgeable, and effective campaign representatives can (and do) provide the margin of victory.