3 Steps to Hosting a Successful Tele-Townhall During a Pandemic

In this unprecedented time, my personal mission is to make sure you can stay in contact with your audience, whether that’s constituents, members, or voters. I wrote this article for Campaigns & Elections magazine to share the best practices we’ve learned and implement for our clients.

Nicole Schlinger COVID - 19 Campaigns and Elections

As social distancing and self-quarantining become the new normal, Americans want to hear from elected leaders more than ever.  Battling the COVID-19 virus has ground community events, campaign rallies, small meetings, and door-to-door canvassing to a halt. But that doesn’t mean you should halt your communications with constituents, voters or members of your advocacy group. You can still safely communicate with a large audience using a telephone town hall. With sports, school, and church events cancelled, people are at home, available, and ready to take your call.

Step One: Spread the Word (Not Your Germs!)
Lawmakers using a telephone town hall for official business may dial out to a large audience of both landlines and cell phones. Campaigns and issues organizations may only dial out to landline phones or those with cellphones who have opt-ed in.

But the most active and involved participants in any telephone town hall are those who proactively dial in to your event so; focus on getting the word to people who will be interested.

  • Send peer-to-peer text messages, including your toll-free phone number that participants can click to join. Consider an MMS, using an image or GIF to draw focus and attention.
  • Email your list 48 hours in advance, and again the morning of your event.
  • Post on social media several times in advance and 10 minutes before the event begins. Ask your followers to post and share.
  • Send an automated call to the people who will be receiving your outbound dial to join your event. Let them know all they need to do is simply wait by the phone and answer when you call.

Step Two: Have an interesting, worthwhile conversation 
Successful lawmakers and elected leaders approach their telephone townhall with the same level of preparation as they would any in-person event.

We can help you to ensure you hold your audience with a conversation WORTH having:

  • A line-by-line, including notes for your opening remarks, will help guide the conversation and cover important topics.  It helps to have a moderator open the call, who can instruct people on how to participate, and call on members of the audience for you.
  • Keep the conversation fast and lively. Have responses ready for questions you think are likely to come up. Your responses to each question or comment should be no longer than 2-3 minutes.
  • Give your audience several ways to participate. You can ask your audience their opinion with a poll question and gather email addresses.

Step Three: After the event, keep sharing! 
After your successful event, where you spoke with thousands of constituents, shared valuable information, and answered questions, we can help you take it to the next level.

Now is the time to take the most valuable segments of your interactive conversation and share them with an even larger audience.  Here’s how:

  • Use the recording of your event and a static image to create 60 second MP4 videos that you can post to your YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter pages. Encourage your followers to post, share, and ReTweet.
  • Send peer-to-peer text messages of your video, along with a link to listen to the entire event. Ask people to reply to your text to let you know what they think.
  • Email your supporters a synopsis along with a link to listen to the entire event or pertinent clips.

Remember, this is a unique moment in history. You’re speaking to folks who aren’t used to being sequestered at home, who may be irritated, bored, confused or scared.

This is your chance to build a meaningful connection that will last much, much longer than any virus.

Call me if we can help 1- (888) 722-4704. 

Nicole Schlinger

Reach Voters Without The Worry

Nicole Schlinger COVID 19

Now that the Coronavirus has reached the U.S., we’re seeing lawmakers cut back on townhall meetings and public events and associations cancel their “Day on the Hill,” in an effort to stem the spread. While it’s important to keep the public safe, it is also problematic for lawmakers trying to interact with constituents, or organizations trying to use grassroots pressure to make headway on a critically important issue.

CampaignHQ can help you reach voters without the worry.

If you’re an elected official, CampaignHQ can help you still have an open, in-person conversation with a telephone townhall. This is particularly helpful and reassuring that your constituents will be protected but still have that important dialogue with you.  Voters have the chance to ask questions, voice their opinions, and this serves as a way to relay your message about important legislation or updates on the public health assessments in your state.

While door knocking may become difficult as voters are even more apprehensive than normal to open their door, you can still open the door to a meaningful two-way conversation with conTEXT peer to peer text message conversations. ConTEXT reaches voters right where they are with a quick note, link to important information or even a brief video message from you.

If you’re an organization, you may soon find your group is less inclined to visit the capitol to lobby their legislators – but that doesn’t mean the lawmaking has been halted. CampaignHQ can help you still reach elected officials, making your position known and your voice heard on important issues with patch through calls.

Now more than ever, it is important for legislators and voters to interact. CampaignHQ is committed to helping you keep the conversation open in this difficult and uncertain time.

If you are concerned about how to communicate with your audience in this uncertain environment, please respond to this email or give me a call at  (888) 722-4704, and let’s set up a time to talk.

Nicole Schlinger

Happy Easter


Nicole Schlinger EasterJust like we do every year, CampaignHQ will be closed starting on Good Friday and through the Easter holiday weekend.

We want to give our CampaignHQ employees time to be with their families, worship and rest. While we will not be having any events or trainings this weekend, our team will be back to work on Monday, ready to help you be successful.

If we can get anything started for you, please reach out to me right away.

Have a great holiday weekend,

Nicole Schlinger

The Results Are In…

Another Reed Awards post!

Nicole Schlinger Reed Awards 1

I can’t help it – I love talking about the award-winning team we have at CHQ and all their successes they’ve had. I know many of them would say, while taking home trophies is fun, the biggest win of all is getting to help great candidates, campaigns and clients effectively deliver their message.

Here were some of the successes we had on behalf of our clients at this year’s Reed Awards:

Innovation in Phone Engagement: Not Your Grandma’s Telephone Townhall

As voters and campaign donors drop their cell phones at an increasing rate, we took what is perceived as an “old fashioned” method of voter contact and made it relevant, exciting and engaging fora  new generation. Sen. Ted Cruz invited campaign supporters via text, email, phone and tweet to jin his telephone townhall. While on the call, supporters could listen, ask questions, and transfer to a live operator to make a donation. After the call, we created an MP4 video to share via peer to peer text message, allowing even more people to hear his message.

Best Automated Phone Call: You Know…That Love Letters in the Sand Guy

The 60+ Association is the country’s leading organization advocating on behalf of conservative seniors. Each election season, their well-known national spokesman, Pat Boone, lets seniors know which candidates will best represent their values. In this case, we sent automated calls featuring Boone’s unmistakable voice to support Nick Freitas, a Republican running as a write-in candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates. Freitas defied the odds and won by a 56-42 margin.

Best Use of P2P on a Campaign: Partnered with Campaign Solutions

Campaign Solutions and CampaignHQ have worked with a high-profile candidate on building out a texting program. Using Campaign Solutions’ dynamic MMS feature, GIFs or video directed to personalized landing pages has been successful in raising money for the candidate.

It was an honor to win these awards and a testament to our great team at CHQ. Our aspiration of excellence is the best award we can give to our clients. We are not just a call center, we are conservative communicators with a mission to better the future.


Thanks for reading,

Niocle Schlinger awards

Nicole Schlinger

Reed Awards, part 2

As I mentioned before, we had a great time attending this year’s Reed Awards. I was thrilled to join a really great panel of experts who spoke on, “Forecasting the New Political Landscape: How 2020 Will Impact Your Business and the Direction of the Industry.”


I also gave a presentation which you can check out below.

Feel free to always check out content on my YouTube page. 

I’d love to help get you started on your next project today.

Thanks for watching,

Nicole Schlinger, President of Campaign Headquarters

Nicole Schlinger

More Fun With Phones – Services + Telephone Townhalls

Here are a few more of our Fun with Phones videos.

Maryls is chatting about the many services CHQ offers and how we do our jobs to make sure you’re getting the best value that you are spending.

And here’s me chatting about how telephone townhalls might be right for you. There’s a “fun” story about a telephone townhall we hosted for  the Tea Party Patriots.

You can always check our latest videos on my YouTube page.

Thanks for watching,

Nicole Schlinger, President of Campaign Headquarters

Nicole Schlinger


Fun Friday – Dogs, Politics and Throwbacks, what else is new?

Happy Friday, friends. I thought we could do a fun post to make you smile this weekend. Here are a few of my favorite things lately.


Great Buzzfeed article that throws it back to the 80s with these TV commercials. I didn’t even have to press play … I could repeat these commercials back to you verbatim while the video plays on mute. Hope too many don’t get stuck in your head.

Nicole Schlinger commercials


ICYMI: The Yang Gang had a pretty serious falling out after the #FITN states. Many of my political friends had some fun with this one over on my Facebook page. I can’t get enough of this guy. Maybe now is the time to explain MATH to his young staffers. #yanggangfoeva 

Nicole Schlinger campaign


Adorable GOP dogs with breakfast food names? YEP.

Nicole Schlinger dog

Happy birthday Pancake!


Nicole Schlinger Trump

Um, who wants to tell him?

Also, you should give my friends over at The Committee to Defend the President a follow, if you’re not already.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Nicole Schlinger

CHQ COVID Strategies

I might seem like a broken record these days, but while our worlds have been turned upside down, your campaign must keep going forward. Here are a few tips on how to communicate during COVD-19 that we are here to help you focus on.

Nicole Schlinger COVID Communicating

While you may not be able to meet with your donors in-person or at events, they still WANT to hear from you! #CHQ can help by scheduling 15 minute videoconference meetings to replace that face-to-face time and keep your campaign moving in a positive direction. Donors will be eager to hear what you have to say at this critical time. Don’t stop communicating!

Nicole Schlinger COVID Communicating

Now is the time to SCRAP your original voter contact strategy and focus on Vote by Mail. With states across the country postponing their primaries, and others changing or relaxing Vote by Mail rules, mail-in ballots will have an unprecedented effect on voter turnout. Where do you start? A text message conversation with a 20 second video. A telephone townhall conversation to bring the community together. A live call from someone who cares.

Nicole Schlinger COVID Communicating

While there is much talk of changing voting dates and voting by mail … one thing hasn’t changed. Your name will not be on the ballot unless you submit the required number of petition signatures. Old-school methods of tabling and door knocking won’t work! Let us help you identify willing signers, so you can collect signatures SAFELY and EFFECTIVELY. Don’t let COVID19 silence the voice of your voters.

Give us a call today and we’ll help you develop winning strategies for November.

Nicole Schlinger