Normally I save the light and fun posts for Friday but I thought I’d do a little reminiscing today. It’s fun to look back at where I’ve been – the campaigns I’ve been a part of, the people I’ve met and the candidates I’ve worked for.
With now Gov. Kim Reynolds and Ambassador to China Terry Branstad
These experiences have certainly shaped my outlook and the direction CampaignHQ has taken over the years.
With Ganske for Senate campaign alumn William Armistead
I’m proud of the work we’ve done and the conservatives we’ve worked so hard for. Looking back is fun, but looking forward to new and exciting adventures is thrilling.
With U.S. Senator and former presidential candidate Ted Cruz
Can we be part of your next big adventure? Give us a call today. (888) 722-4704
Thanks for reading,
Nicole Schlinger, President of Campaign Headquarters
I read this interesting article from the New York Times and had to share. Here’s a snippet:
Mostly, I became aware of how profoundly uncomfortable I am with stillness. For years, I’ve used my phone every time I’ve had a spare moment in an elevator or a boring meeting. I listen to podcasts and write emails on the subway. I watch YouTube videos while folding laundry. I even use an app to pretend to meditate.
If I was going to repair my brain, I needed to practice doing nothing. So during my morning walk to the office, I looked up at the buildings around me, spotting architectural details I’d never noticed before. On the subway, I kept my phone in my pocket and people-watched — noticing the nattily dressed man in the yellow hat, the teens eating hot Takis and laughing, the kid with Velcro shoes. When a friend ran late for our lunch, I sat still and stared out the window instead of checking Twitter.
Another year, another CPAC is upon us. If you live under a rock, CPAC or the Conservative Political Action Conference, is an event held every year that brings together conservatives from across the country. Here’s more from their site:
ACU founded and hosts the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the birthplace of modern conservatism. CPAC combines ideas with action to leverage the strength of thousands of grass-roots activists to break through the resistance of Washington’s powerful elites.
The four-day conference begins with Activism Boot Camp, an unparalleled initiative that brings together the finest conservative organizations involved in activism training and campaign management. The remaining three days of the conference unite the political leaders of the conservative movement with the people who make up the movement. As President Ronald Reagan said in 1985, “CPAC is the opportunity to dance with the one who brung ya.”
The powerful combination of knowledge and activism is critical for the advancement of conservatism. Under its new leadership team, ACU has launched CPAC 365, a nationwide effort to do the work of CPAC year round. This initiative will ensure the growth and continued success of the grassroots conservative movement by keeping it educated, equipped and motivated for principled and effective action.
CampaignHQ will be represented at CPAC by myself and Walter Haynie, campaign director at CampaignHQ.
Nicole Schlinger and Walter Haynie will the attending CPAC this week
We will be prominently featured in the lobby bar, where we’re looking forward to talking about how we can give your phone or text campaign a big boost for 2019.
You can follow what’s happening at CPAC through their Twitter account, but I hope you’ll also follow our CPAC journey on Twitter or Facebook. We’ll be brining you live coverage of the tremendous speaker lineup…
Nicole Schlinger and Walter will be checking out all the incredible speakers at CPAC
and what everyone really wants to know, what were they wearing?
Nicole Schlinger is looking forward to the outfits at CPAC this year
I’ll be sure to post more updates after my wig and U.S.A. hat are back from the dry cleaners.
#5: A Team you’ll love like family. Just like a family, we can and do disagree. We even get mad at each other. But once we come out of our huddle and decisions are made, we are a united front. We pitch in and support each other. You’ll hear “is there anything I can do to help you” more times than you can count, but trust me, it never gets old. You will work hard at CampaignHQ. The job is demanding. But you’ll be recognized and appreciated.
#4: A growing, financially stable company. We’ve been here for 20 years. We’ve seen ups and downs … but mostly ups. We aren’t owned by a venture capital company. We don’t have dozens of partners. We run lean. Our financial decisions are made based what’s best for our clients, our team, and being successful together. If you love the excitement of the campaign trail, but hate the paycheck uncertainty, we’re the right place for you.
#3: Work with Purpose. #CHQis a purpose driven company. We believe in personal freedom, individual liberty, and the right to life for every human being. We fight hard for the candidates and causes in which we believe. Employees are mission driven and ready for the challenge.
#2. No BS. We do one thing – effectively communicate your message over the phone. We aren’t interested in bureaucracy, middle management, filling out forms, or endless meetings.
#1. Shape your Destiny. If you like doing things the way they’ve always been done … then #CHQ is not for you! We’re looking for someone who will learn and participate in every aspect of our business , provide legendary service to our clients, and be an indispensable part of our mission.
Are you ready to get started? Email marlys @chq. us with your resume for next steps. You can view our job description here:
We’ve been sharing the CampaignHQ story with you through video and I am hopeful that you enjoy the insight into our family here at CHQ and what our company means to us, the community and our clients.
Here is a recap of a few of the videos I’ve shared over the past few months. Keep an eye out for more to come. If there’s anything in particular you’d be interested in seeing, I’d love to hear it.
In case you haven’t heard, things in Iowa have been just a bit on the chilly side this winter.
So cold in fact, the local TV stations have been having a lot of fun with the weather report. Because, let’s be honest, reporting these kind of temperatures is probably no fun at all.
Here at CampaignHQ, we’re having a little fun and staying warm while continuing to make great calls for our clients. Did you know snuggling in blankets, drinking warm beverages and dialing all keeps you warm?
Our employees are even spending down time trying to keep our K9 friends warms by creating cozy sweaters. Won’t our Chief Canine Officer look extra cute in this lovely creation being worked on by one of our Oskaloosa callers?
How have you been staying warm this winter?
Thanks for checking in,
Martha Waffles and Nicole Schlinger at another event.
If you’re not following the CampaignHQ team on Facebook, well…you should just go do that now.
If you’ve been following along with us, you know we’ve been posting a few highlights from our clients about some of their most favorite CampaignHQ services.
It’s truly been an honor to be a part of so many successful campaigns, like the effort of the Indiana Republican Party this past cycle.
We are so appreciative of the feedback that we get from clients. It makes us better and lets us know our strengths.