CampaignHQ’s Senior Campaign Director Marlys Popma recently shared a story with our colleagues and clients. I think it really shows what it means to have CHQ on your side, so I wanted to share it with you today.

It’s Monday morning.
I arrive at work, make myself a cup of coffee, and start thinking about what needs to be done this week.
Then the phone rings …
“Marlys, I need 5 patch through calls to 93 different state legislators. The bill is up for a vote TODAY and I don’t have any data or a script.”
Well, I love a challenge! And this was certainly one of them.
At CampaignHQ, we pride ourselves on Legendary Customer Service. In fact, you’ll see a sign on our doors stating our “Five Rules of Legendary Customer Service.” Here are the first two …
Rule #1: Speed is key!
Rule #2: Go the Extra Mile (or two)!
I like these rules. I like being good at what we do and working in an atmosphere that fosters this approach to customer service.
So, back to my story:
To get this campaign started, we’d need to pull 93 different lists, write and approve the script, set it up in the dialer, and prepare agents to make effective calls … all before the bill came up for a vote!
I knew I could not do this alone. So several colleagues pitched in to help. (That’s what I truly love best about CampaignHQ!)

It was a race to the finish line … and here is the result:

Typically we tell our clients,
“Get us the data and approved script, and we will have your project up and running within twenty-four hours.”
But let me tell you this, if you are in a pinch and you need something right away, don’t hesitate to call!
Above all else, Marlys’ story shows that at CHQ, the possibilities are endless and we WILL come through for you.
Thanks for reading,

Nicole Schlinger