In typical New Years fashion, we are highlighting a few resolutions that make sense for your 2021. Now is NOT the time to take a breather. You’ve done the 2020 campaign analysis, you’ve made it through the holidays, now it’s time to lay out your goals for the next cycle – that’s where we are here to help.
Here are a few ideas for you to think about:
– How are you keeping in touch with volunteers and maintaining a strong connection to them?
– Peer to Peer texting isn’t just for turnout. How can you mobilize activists to support the key legislation your candidate campaigned on?
– Patch through calls can help you quickly make an impact.
-Even though the vaccine is here, the pandemic is far from over. It will be a long time until in-person events are back to “normal.” Telephone townhalls and microforums are the perfect way to stay in touch and engage in a two-way conversation with your supporters, activists, and voters
Not sure where to start? Give us a call and let’s brainstorm your winning strategy together!
Trust the CHQ experts to help get you there.