You may have heard me talk about Bullet Journaling, especially if you’ve been following along over on my Medium page, where I’m documenting my current reading material.
I’m not sure why it took Ryder Carroll so long to write this book, but I’m glad he did.
Essentially, Ryder Carroll wants you to use colored pens, recopy things when you migrate from one notebook to the next, take time to decorate and set up your notebook so that your mind can truly soak in and process all of the information.
The Bullet Journal method encourages you to just put everything in one place and keep it there.
Need more of a push to get you started? The New York Times recently posted an article titled, “The Case for Using a Paper Planner.”
From my experience, over the years, taking the time to gather and put those ideas in a special place I can reference again and again is priceless.
Now, I take issue with his belief that you must use a fixed notebook, in which you do not add or remove pages. I carry detailed, permanent reference materials and logs in my notebook that would take hours to recopy (at no real value).

I’d encourage you to give it a try, or at the very least, give Ryder Carroll’s book a read.
Thanks for following,
