Reach Voters Without The Worry

Nicole Schlinger COVID 19

Now that the Coronavirus has reached the U.S., we’re seeing lawmakers cut back on townhall meetings and public events and associations cancel their “Day on the Hill,” in an effort to stem the spread. While it’s important to keep the public safe, it is also problematic for lawmakers trying to interact with constituents, or organizations trying to use grassroots pressure to make headway on a critically important issue.

CampaignHQ can help you reach voters without the worry.

If you’re an elected official, CampaignHQ can help you still have an open, in-person conversation with a telephone townhall. This is particularly helpful and reassuring that your constituents will be protected but still have that important dialogue with you.  Voters have the chance to ask questions, voice their opinions, and this serves as a way to relay your message about important legislation or updates on the public health assessments in your state.

While door knocking may become difficult as voters are even more apprehensive than normal to open their door, you can still open the door to a meaningful two-way conversation with conTEXT peer to peer text message conversations. ConTEXT reaches voters right where they are with a quick note, link to important information or even a brief video message from you.

If you’re an organization, you may soon find your group is less inclined to visit the capitol to lobby their legislators – but that doesn’t mean the lawmaking has been halted. CampaignHQ can help you still reach elected officials, making your position known and your voice heard on important issues with patch through calls.

Now more than ever, it is important for legislators and voters to interact. CampaignHQ is committed to helping you keep the conversation open in this difficult and uncertain time.

If you are concerned about how to communicate with your audience in this uncertain environment, please respond to this email or give me a call at  (888) 722-4704, and let’s set up a time to talk.

Nicole Schlinger

Campaigns Built For You

I wanted to share a few examples of work we’ve been up to lately. We recently completed two campaigns, built specifically for our clients using our ConTEXT technology.

Nicole Schlinger Contact your Legislator

Campaign 1: Recruit advocates to email their legislator
Description: Facing significant opposition, a prominent Issue Advocacy organization sought to mobilize citizens to email their state lawmakers to oppose legislation which would cause major job loss and economic impact. Text messages urged constituents to visit landing page to take action.

Universe:                            186,717
Page Views:                       20,087
Emails sent:                        2,300

Nicole Schlinger Petition

Campaign 2: Recruit voters to sign petitions getting local candidates on the ballot
Description: Local political organization has had difficulty getting candidates on the ballot because they cannot canvass door-to-door to collect petitions. A majority of their constituents are young professionals living in apartment / condo complexes. A text message asking if a volunteer could have permission to come to their residence to sign the petitions in person or give more information. A volunteer called to follow up and arrange meeting place / time.

Universe:                          3026
Agreed to sign:                 110
Request more info:           33

There are a lot of things we can do to help make your plans more productive, utilizing the newest technologies.

What are you waiting for – give us a call 1- (888) 722-4704,

Nicole Schlinger, President of Campaign Headquarters


Texting Top 5

It seems like everyone is talking about peer-to-peer texting these days.

Nicole Schlinger Text MessagingYes, it’s (relatively) new. Yes, it’s cool.

But at the end of the day … “new” and “cool” are not what wins a campaign. (If you aren’t sure about that … just ask Beto O’Rourke.)

Having the right conversation with the right people at the right time does!

Here at CampaignHQ, we’ve spent the last year learning how to create the same high quality, interactive conversation via text message that we’ve been having on the phones for the last 20 years. And now we want to share that knowledge to make YOU successful.

That’s the conTEXT difference.

While it’s common knowledge that peer-to-peer text messages can be used as an outbound communication tool – whether it’s for fundraising or GOTV – there are FIVE additional ways you can use conTEXT to effectively communicate your message.

Nicole Schlinger texting

Nicole Schlinger texting

Are you ready to win? Text me at (515) 710-4263 and let’s find a time to discuss a custom conTEXT solution to meet your specific needs.

Nicole Schlinger, President of Campaign Headquarters
