CampaignHQ employees are some of the hardest working and most dedicated in the business. They are passionate and committed to being part of the Best Conservative Call Center in America.
Our campaign representatives believe in our clients and the issues that mean so much to them, so they give their best every day. Whether they are doing fundraising, making GOTV calls, or are engaged in our newest endeavor conTEXT, you can be assured that their efforts will be professional and passionate.
Today I decided to introduce you to one of our employees, Katie…

Katie hasn’t been with us long, but she has already risen to the top as one of our finest callers.
Katie loves a challenge and that is evidenced in her phone calls. She likes the atmosphere at the call center and enjoys educating herself about politics and our shared beliefs.
Katie was one of our first agents to deliver peer to peer text messaging (conTEXT) for our clients and knows the difference it can make.
In her spare time Katie enjoys reading, hiking, photography and spending time with her family.
The day Katie joined the CampaignHQ team, she gained a new family. We like to think that we’re more than just a conservative company, we’re a family and Katie enjoys being a part of that family.
If you have a Voter ID, Advocacy, Patch-Through, or GOTV project that needs something more…give us a call at 888-722-4704.
We’ll treat you like a member of our family.